+44 (0) 118 979 4269

Business Taxation
Bringing you peace of mind
Business tax is a minefield! Hobbs Granger Roitt can help you to achieve the balance of fulfilling your obligations to ensure your commitments are met in a timely way, without overpaying tax.
Working with our experienced tax team will bring you peace of mind and frees you to focus on running your business. You can be confident that they are on top of the changing legislative framework and will ensure your compliance.
We help to reduce complexity by:
Corporation Tax
Hobbs Granger Roitt specialises in helping directors to manage their tax bills along with their responsibilities so that their companies can achieve their goals. Our clients typically want to know what costs they can claim, how they get the tax relief, what statutory information is required and when, and whether it is better to buy or lease a company asset.
We have the skills and experience to help you to make informed decisions and manage your tax commitments. We offer a full package that includes preparing the statutory accounts and completing
the corporation tax return for you.
Tax planning and forecasting, enabling you to claim all the deductions you can against your company’s corporation tax liability
Preparing the corporation tax computation and completing claims of capital allowances,
in line with the latest HM Revenue & Customs requirements
Using specialist tax software to assist in preparing the tax computations and completing and electronically filing the CT600 (Company Tax Return form), checking that nothing is missed and that the tax calculated is correct
Acting as your agent with HM Revenue & Customs and dealing with correspondence
How can we help you?
The tax legislation around VAT is complex and calls for specialist knowledge. Are you confident that your quarterly VAT returns are correct? Do you dread the thought of a VAT inspection?
The implications of errors and mistakes can result in HM Revenue & Customs raising further assessments and your business incurring penalties and interest. Why not talk to us about VAT today, rather than wait until an inspector calls?
Providing guidance on registration and advising on the advantages and disadvantages of being registered if this is not mandatory for your business
Completing and reviewing the quarterly (or annual) return
Advising on flat rate and cash accounting schemes
Checking your records for transactions within the EU
Carrying out a health check on your records
Giving specialist advice on the VAT implications of various business transactions
How can we help you?
Help with setting up and preparing payroll and returns
Advising on tax-effective remuneration for directors and key staff
Providing information on childcare voucher schemes
Offering advice on record keeping and guidance on auto-enrolment
Advising on PAYE/NI and assistance in completing the P11D form for expenses and benefits
PAYE, NI and P11Ds
For anyone running a business and needing to employ staff, wages and salaries will often represent a major part of their overheads. In this new era of real-time information for payroll (RTI) and automatic enrolment into a workplace pension scheme, the focus on getting things right on time, every time, is a significant challenge for owners and managers.
If keeping up with legislative changes and the administration of running a payroll are preventing you from doing what you do best, our payroll service can take the strain.
We ensure our clients are aware of the seismic changes in this important area and understand how these apply to their business. How can you reward staff in ways other than by paying them in cash? What are the options under RTI for declaring staff payments and benefits at the right time? What are your choices if you cannot afford to pay your PAYE bill?
How can we help you?
We offer both hands-on support in the form of a payroll service and a wealth of practical, informed advice to our clients on the issues they face, including:
Managing your tax bills can be a challenge, especially for companies working in the construction industry where the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) may well apply.
The legislation in this area is both complex and subject to change. Our aim is to help you keep on top of your affairs so that you pay neither too much nor too little tax and implement good systems and records. We keep up to speed on the rules and regulations so you don’t have to.
We have wide experience of helping subcontractors manage their affairs, advising them on questions such as which clients need to deduct tax and how will the changing nature of their work affect rebates and bills.
How can we help you?
The comprehensive support we offer on CIS includes:
Helping you to set up and manage your records
Forecasting tax bills, rebates and payments on account
Advising on self-employed status (are you a subcontractor or an employee?) and contractual matters
Guidance on managing cash flow and identifying areas for reclaiming expenses

Confirming whether this tax applies to your particular transaction
Looking for opportunities to minimise the amount of stamp duty/stamp duty land tax payable
Avoiding unpleasant surprises further down the line by planning for what is often a forgotten tax
Stamp Duty
Whether you are purchasing a residential property, a non-residential property or mixed property, stamp duty land tax is likely to be payable. So, if you're thinking of buying a property or purchasing a company’s shares, speak to Hobbs Granger Roitt.
How can we help you?
In situations such as a purchasing a property, or a takeover, merger, scheme of reconstruction or
a purchase of shares, where stamp duty is a possibility, we can help by:

Don't let tax be taxing. . .




Address: 8f Millars Brook, Molly Millars Lane, Wokingham, RG41 2AD Registered Office: 11 Eastheath Avenue, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2PP
Limited Liability Partnership Registered in England and Wales Registered No. OC 326844

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